The Spirit of Saint

Imagine a young, energetic family dog with no prior medical issues, suddenly facing a traumatic accident. That’s the story of Saint, a resilient canine who defied the odds and emerged stronger than ever.

Saint, a playful and curious male Doberman Pinscher, joined the Bonifacio family at just 12 weeks old. They were overjoyed to have this adorable new addition in their home. From the moment they saw his gigantic paws and even bigger personality, it was clear he was going to be a force to be reckoned with. As Saint grew, so did their family and he was next to them every step of the way. Little did the family know, his own journey would soon be tested in the most unexpected way.

The Accident: A Night of Terror

In early 2024, Saint escaped his backyard somehow and wandered across the street. Still an adventurous dog with his puppy-like curiosity, he wanted to patrol the neighbors’ yards to find some new scents. His family called him back home and like the good dog he is, Saint listened. When he tried to return home by crossing the street, tragedy struck. A speeding car hit him and did not stop, leaving him injured and in shock. The horror of the accident was unimaginable, and the family feared for the worst. Rushing to be by his side, Saint’s owner Anne Marie, who works in veterinary medicine, knew she had to remain calm in order to help her companion. Even with a whirlwind of emotions, her nursing instincts immediately kicked in and knew he needed to get to a veterinary emergency room immediately. She drove directly to Lenity Vet Specialists + Emergency Care in San Mateo.

Despite his severe injuries and unimaginable trauma, Saint remained remarkably calm and trusting. His resilience and strength were truly inspiring. After being diagnosed with a hemoabdomen (internal bleeding in the abdominal cavity) and a severe femur fracture, his family faced a difficult decision: amputation or a long road to recovery with surgery. With the support of Lenity’s medical team and careful discussion, the Bonifacio family chose the latter, believing in Saint’s ability to overcome the challenges ahead.

The Power of Blood Donation: Saving Lives

The Spirit of Saint

Saint’s surgery was long and intense as he needed multiple pins and plates implanted to correct the fracture and give him a chance at any sort of ‘normal’ puppy life. These types of procedures are performed by our head veterinary board-certified surgeon, Dr. Kimberly Carlson. In the process, he lost an excessive amount of blood resulting in the need for a transfusion. Blood transfusions are crucial in veterinary medicine, and thankfully Saint was able to get the care he needed because of the courage of Brave Unity Blood Bank For Animals’ incredible blood donors. Once a donor gives blood, it is broken down into different components and has the ability to save up to FOUR different pets’ lives!

“We are eternally grateful to those who donated to save Saint’s life. The importance of blood donation cannot be overstated, and we encourage others to consider donating if they can,” states Anne Marie, Saint’s owner.

A Triumphant Return: Saint’s Story Continues

A dog standing, The Spirit of Saint

Today, Saint is a thriving, happy dog enjoying life to the fullest. He has fully recovered from his injuries after a long period of activity restriction, careful monitoring and a dedicated team of physical rehab specialists at Scouts House who helped him gain his strength back in a slow, controlled environment. His story is a testament to the power of resilience, the love of family, and the incredible work of Lenity Vet Specialists and Brave Unity Blood Bank For Animals’ blood donors. Saint’s family encourages support for animal rescue organizations and blood donation initiatives like Brave Unity Blood Bank For Animals to ensure more pets like Saint can have a second chance at life.

If you are interested in learning more about animal blood banks or think your pet would be a good fit to donate, visit: